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The Quiet Place Meditations – The Spirit of God Meditation 5 – Boldly Following The Voice Within 1




Still, And

“Know, I AM”

Caught in the ebb and flow of The Breath of The Holy Spirit,

your prayer is sweet and pure, “I am here God, because it is my time

to come to You, seeking truth, in all I think, and say, and do.  I feel this

at the very core of my being, I know I am your child; and within the seed

of this ‘knowing,’ there abides the shoot of truth, touched by The Spirit,

growing, and  glowing, with exuberance, vitality, and a will to live

within The Light, of All That Is.

I am here God.

I am ready

to set my prayers

and supplications aside,

so  that  I  might  ‘know,’ that

which  You  wish  for  me  to  know;

hear,  that which You wish  for me to hear;

and  see,  that which  You  wish  for  me  to  see.

I am here; I am still; I am silent; and I am ready God.

I  am  ready   to  walk  with  You,   and  talk  with  You.

I   am   ready   to   sing   with   You,  and  dance  with  You.

I am ready to live forever, within the light and the glory of You.

I remember You.   I remember I AM.”   And,  in the remembering

you begin to know, and to grow, and peace settles within you as you

come to realize,  the power of the peace you are creating.  In the time

‘of  enlightenment,’  you come to know  The  Living  Spirit  of  God,

within you!   Be still!   And in the quiet, comes the whisper, born

within you, “I am prepared to start.  I am prepared to be.

I am prepared, I am still, so that I might know

I AM.”