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The Quiet Place Meditation – The Shepherds of Bethlehem 4


Christmas Meditation

The Shepherds of Bethlehem


 Fourth Meditation

Led by Angels


          The group of shepherds became even more solitary, finding peace and comfort together, and with the sheep, trees, and rolling hillsides.  And this is where they made their home.  They formed a bond which was sealed by Spirit.  They talked amongst themselves of the angels, and of The Child that was born to all those of Earth.  They grew in The Wisdom of Spirit and became more Spirit than matter.

Spend some time thinking of the lives of the shepherds, not as figures depicted in drawings, but as real people.  Ponder on how their lives were altered, forever, because of the apparition of angels, announcing the birth of The Child of God and of Earth. They were led by the voices of angels.  Be led by the voices of the angels.

As the shepherds were led, follow the path of angels.  Carry within you a vision of angelic beings gathering on hillsides, and mountains, on beaches, and deserts, on city streets, and country roads, in every land under the sun.  Pick up the anthem, and sing of the presence of angels, and the words they bring.  Sing of the message.  Sing.

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