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The Quiet Place Christmas Meditation – The Shepherds of Bethlehem 2





Christmas Meditation

The Shepherds of Bethlehem


Second Meditation

Be Not Afraid


          The shepherds stopped and listened to the angels.  The angelic song was from another world.  They heard the tone of angels, and their ears were kissed with love, as the mountains, valleys, rivers, and the very dirt of Earth joined in The Song of Joy.  All the vibrations of Earth and Spirit sang-out the Name of the Child born to all humanity.  The shepherds in the field outside the town of Bethlehem were selected by the angels to hear the news and to be touched by the light and the song of Spirit.  They went to see the Child and gave thanks to God for their blessing.  This visitation by the angels to the shepherds of Bethlehem changed their simple lives forever.  They were selected by God, chosen by angels, but rejected by most who heard their story.

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