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The Journey to an Epiphany – January 5, 2024




January 5, 2024

The Twelfth Day of Christmas

The Journey to an Epiphany



We have talked so much about Epiphany in the last weeks it occurred to me to look the up the origin, to find the root meaning of the word.  It comes from the Greek word epiphaneia,  meaning “manifestation”.    I even checked how to pronounce it correctly, so I pray that the enunciation is correct.  We know why it was used with regard to The Birth of Jesus.  But this is not the only time of year, month, or week, that the word can hold great significance for each of us.  We can experience a manifestation every day, if we are open to it.  Haven taken this walk with you, and holding a deeper reverence for the season of Advent and Epiphany, moving onward into the new year will be even more a journey worth taking, while embracing each manifestation along The Way.  We have also talked about Spirit incarnate many times, and it comes to me to remember that we are, each one, from The Spirit of God, incarnate, for a while, destined to return fully to Spirit.  If we can remember this, while waiting for revelation and manifestation, throughout our lifetime upon Earth, it will change everything we think, say, and do.  We will ultimately realize the sublime, lifting the ordinary into the divine experience our lives are meant to be.   The manifestation is not the end of the quest, it is the doorway to a new phase, a portion of our lifetime upon Earth when we use the wisdom of the manifestation, the pearls of wisdom from each revelation to gird us for every tomorrow as we walk into eternity, well equipped for that which comes our way.


          On this twelfth day of Christmas, the reading I have chosen is from Matthew 2:14.

The Reading

January 5, 2024

So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt.” Matthew 2:14


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