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        Infallible is the sacred word, borne upon the breath, from The Holy Spirit, within you.  It is the answer, you seek, in quiet and stillness, revealed in The Light of Truth.  And, as you ask, you shall receive the gift of truth, created solely for you, to illuminate any situation you encounter.  That […]

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          The great expanse is, within you, it is the vastness that is, within you.  I AM calling you to close your eyes, to the ways of the world, and step into My love, which is, within you.  Come unto Me, and I will open the eyes of your soul, as we sit […]

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        “I Am with you.  We are one.  And, as we are one, so is all one.  It will take some time for that to settle, within you.  But, if you will be still, and quiet, you will know this truth.  You will know, from within.  Once you know, the knowing cannot be taken […]

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        There are many ways of living, upon the Earth, which will bring you joy, and peace.  And each one of these ways begins, within you.  Be still.  Go, within.  Find balance, within.  Sit long enough to feel the power, within you.  And then, rise-up, and use the power, I have given unto you, […]

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          What your intellect cannot fathom, your heart knows.  Do not approach the pathways of spirituality, of coming to know Me, in a deeper way, thinking that you must know Me, intellectually, because you will be stumped, meet walls, slip and fall, trying to intellectualize our relationship.  Come with your heart, because the […]

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          Envision that there is a room, within your house, your home, that every time you are in need, you go to that room, you knock on the door, and the door opens.  You walk into the room, and you ask, and that which you need is given to you.  If you desire […]

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