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        You will not feel pressure, or as if you are being pushed, by those in the world around you, when you are living, in the knowing, that The Source, of your power, is within you.  And it rises-up through you, and pours-out, from you, and keeps at bay all, that threaten, to coerce […]

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        I have breathed, My Breath, into you.  I have sent My Spirit, My Breath, to dwell, within you.  I have given you The Gift of free will.  Your options are endless.  But you must choose.  With every breath, you take into yourself, there comes the seed of creation.  As My Holy Spirit is, […]

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          Do not, intentionally, set a course, designed to create enemies, for there shall be times, when you are prey, to such, unwittingly.  Be mindful, of the words you say, so come the end of the day, there will be naught to rue. And The Holy Spirit says:        Be mindful.  It all […]

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          I have many ways of communicating, with you, of speaking, with you, of showing My presence, with you.  I have many ways.  I send you messages.  I send the messengers to you, carrying My messages, for you.  And some of you have been given gifts, to accept these messages, from the messengers, […]

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        Listen, and behold, the beauty all around thee.  Listen.  Look, and see.  Go beyond.  Let your spirit be your eyes.  For, within the spirit is wisdom, and it is not disguised.  It is pure, and potent, and beautiful.  The eyes of your physical body can fail you.  You see only the surface.  You […]

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            Not knowing, what to do about something, can make you nervous, and anxious.  Trying to make a decision, or a choice, when you are not sure of the decision, or the choice, can make you nervous, anxious, upset your stomach, bring on a weariness that is difficult to describe.  Before your […]

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          There is a way, for you to: leave all your cares, concerns, and worries, behind you; breathe in, deeply, and release, and walk into the new day, in a state of joy.  How can I do this, you might ask?  With practice, I say.  Begin your practice in an easy way.  At […]

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