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        There is much to learn from the months of winter.  And one of the things you can learn, from the months of winter, is to observe the trees, which have lost their leaves, baring themselves to you, in the trunk, and the branches, and sometimes the roots, reaching up, above the grasses.  Look […]

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          “I AM with you.  I reach out, to you, with a hand: a hand, holding wisdom, and love; a hand, holding forgiveness, for all things, immediately; a hand, seeking you.  For, I will follow you, and walk with you, wait for you, or do that, which is necessary to do, so that […]

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          Not only can you learn, from your own earthly experiences, but you can also learn, from the experiences of others, as you watch them stumble, or fall, then rise-up, to stand tall.  Do not criticize your teachers, the ones who show you The Way, by living through the darkest of days.  Be […]

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        You are spirit, incarnate, spirit, wearing a body of flesh.  Your eternal life is not confined to your life upon Earth.  Life upon Earth is just a piece, a very small piece, of your eternal life.  It is the spirit that is, within you, that lives forever.  I have also sent My Holy […]

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        Rise-up, as if you have the wings of a butterfly, and float, on the wind, play, on the breeze, rest, in the flowers, and rest, in the trees, and go, wherever the wind takes you, so you might see, and know, the wisdom, held in the wind.  And The Holy Spirit says:        […]

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          Lo!  I see you, walking out of the valley of darkness, the place of night, where shadows tempt you.  But there you are, coming out.  And even as you walk, over the Earth, you cast no shadow, because The Light is, within you.  It is above you.  It is around you.  But […]

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        Listen to the sound, of The Wind, and be moved by it.  Do not plant your feet, or your spirit, heart, or soul, refusing, to go, with The Wind.  As you move, you will hear; and it will move through you, that which you hear, and settle, within you, that which you hear, […]

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