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          Do not hesitate to make that journey within, while your eyes are closed to the ways of the world.  Do not stop with a knock at the door of the spiritual realm, which is within you.  Look deeper into that which at first appears void, sometimes total darkness.  For, the longer you […]

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        As you give Me your heart, I give you, My hand.  As you open your heart, My hand guides you along The Way.  As your heart rests peacefully, within My hand, clarity is yours, and that, which was hidden from you, is illuminated, within the light of our communion, and you begin to […]

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          “I AM with you.  In all ways, I AM with you.  Within the knowing of this mystery, we come together, as One.  And, in the One, we walk, and talk, laugh, and dance, living within Heaven, and Earth, together as One.  It is all One.                “Listen, so you might hear, […]

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          When the eyes behold the beauty of the unseen, there comes a release of all doubt, as that, which had not been seen before, reveals that, which is of God, that which is of My creation.  While walking in human flesh, limitations are experienced, boundaries are set in place before one even […]

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          The very young have the greatest capacity to love, to love deeply.  Their understanding of love comes from the core of their being, from the depths of My love, not only for them, but for all My creation.  They are still swimming in the sea of My love.  They know it.  Love […]

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          See, that which is carried, on The Wind.  If you look closely, you can see what you could not see before you knew stillness, and took the journey, within.  The Wind enfolds that which is meant to move, from one place to another, without effort.  It is trust exemplified.  Relax, and The […]

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        I did not send you to Earth to suffer.  I did not create the obstacles, and challenges, that will face you, upon the Earth.  These things are pieces and parts of the lessons that you desire to overcome, with the gifts you have been given.  As you move over Earth, these obstacles, and […]

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