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        Out of the most trying challenges, one can face, the one, who knows The Way, within, whose inner corridors are well-worn, will emerge victorious.  For, as they walk, through even the darkest of days, they will sit with Me, and learn the wisdom at My knee.  And the wisdom will carry, each one […]

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          “I AM with you.  Be still and feel My presence.  It is slight, tender, gentle, touching you, from within; yet, the vibration, of the experience, moves over your skin.  And the chills, of the encounter, are real.  Feel My presence.                      “As I walked upon the Earth, thousands of years ago: […]

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          Be bold in the celebration of all of the aspects of who you are.  Refuse to hide, bring them out, and you decide, which aspect you will use, for each situation, that comes to you.  For, The Holy Spirit that dwells, within you, has given you the gifts, to use, for every […]

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          Know, that, which I teach thee, for that, which I teach thee, is truth, and wisdom.  The more you make the time, to sit with Me, to be in communion, with Me, our union grows stronger, and lives, and breathes.  It is a creation, between you, and Me, this sacred place, where […]

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          Do not deny yourself, when there is plenty.  Use, the times of plenty, to practice, balance.  Do nothing to excess.  Balance.  If you have three apples, eat one, and share the others, with those around thee.  In the time of plenty, when you practice, balance, you learn to give, you learn to […]

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          “I AM with you.  Be joyful in the knowing of this.  For, I AM truly, with you.  When you take this to your heart, and really know it, your life changes, you are altered in a most joyous way, for you know you are never alone.                      “Family, friendship, even saying […]

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          While we sit together, in quiet, temptations will knock at the door, trying to lure you from our peaceful communion, into worry about something, sometimes whispering you have much to do.  Ignore the knock, resist the urge to attend to a chore or task.  Remain with me, for all will be as […]

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