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            There will come those who try to dissuade you from the ways of your heart.  Turn, a deaf ear, and listen, to the whisper, from within.  That which is written upon your heart is the truth.  Within is the wellspring of wisdom from which you are to drink.  The waters of Earth can […]

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  There is power in the peaceful presence.  And to have a peaceful presence you must practice, and a vital component, of your daily practice, must be forgiveness.  A litany of forgiveness, coming from your heart, must be spoken, every day.  And as this practice slips into your being, and stays there, you begin to […]

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        “I AM with you.  I AM with you.  I AM all around you.  I AM within you.  When I walked upon the Earth many thought I talked in riddles, and rhymes, and mystery.  But I actually spoke to those who had ears to hear, and a heart to open, with understanding.  And it […]

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              When it feels as if you are forgetting that which you know, know this.  It is the clouds of confusion that are hiding.  They are hiding what you remember.  The illusions of life upon Earth can mask that, which you know, within.  Do not be so impressed, or distracted, by the teachings […]

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    Breathe-in the beauty, all around you. Do not take it for granted. Look, and see, and know, what is set before you, no matter where you are. Seek beyond the confines of your room, or your home, or your school, or your office, wherever you. Go beyond. Walk barefoot in the grass. Touch […]

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        To hear Me clearly one must be aware of the energies, which float on the air, carrying darkness and shadow, wherever they go.  As you make your way through the day, stop, and check, and cast away, all spirits of darkness and shadow, all unclean spirits.  They can invade your thoughts, tempting you […]

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          Let all things fall from thee, as I AM there, with you.  My presence is with you, as you think, and say, and do.  Embrace the light of this day.  Breathe it into your body, drawing it deep, within your lungs, holding it, and blessing it, and releasing it, as a prayer […]

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