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              Every time you take up the yoke of anger, and strap to it the energy of revenge, you plough yourself into a field of despair.  The harvest is bitter and sullies those who eat of it.  Carrying the weight of anger and revenge never yields the result you seek.  Retaliation settles into […]

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              Come with Me and let us walk through the day together, just you and Me.  For, I AM here, always near, no matter where your day might go.  There is nothing to stop us, as we find no hesitation, only joy, and a glorious refrain to brighten every aspect of the day.  […]

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            Even in times, when you desert Me, I will not leave thee, wandering in darkness, nor will I leave thee lost in confusion.  It is not possible for Me to not know you, for, I AM, within you.  You forget this because you often look outside of yourself for answers, joy, peace, when […]

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            Passing through the doorway of the new can be difficult, if you are trying to bring with you all the baggage of the past.  So, before the crossing of the threshold, into more life than you have known before, let us sit, and sift, and sort; and by doing so, we will, together, […]

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            Here I AM.  I AM waiting, in the morning mist, as the day slowly begins.  I AM here, bathed in the light of the sun, as it warms the day, bringing new life to all things.  I AM here, with you, no matter what the unfolding situation might be.  Do not give in […]

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              Do not allow the desire to retaliate consume you, drying up the river of love within you, until you are course and brittle.  For My child, this is not The Way.  If you will come and sit with Me, we will look and see the truth in the matter, which is boiling […]

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              When you are challenged, by chaos and confusion, or wounded, in any way, refuse to react in the same way.  Rather choose to sit with Me.  Rest you head upon My knee, and I will caress your shoulder, and stroke your back, until you are at peace, so you no longer lack […]

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