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  Rise up and walk into this day with assurance in your heart that I AM with you. Do not be anxious about that which you must do today, about that which you might encounter today, for I AM with you. I will help you. I will give you the strength, I will give you […]

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        Not until you take yourself aside, sit quietly, and be still, can you feel, My Presence, with you, in a most profound way.  You can say, I AM, with you, in a busy city, with horns blowing, and people talking, doors slamming.  You can know, I AM, with you, any time, any place.  […]

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        You have been taught, many things.  Some things, you have been taught, you embrace, and live.  Other things, you have been taught, you reject, and ignore.  There come, stages, in your life, when it is time, to stop, to check, to take inventory, of the things, you have been taught, that remain, within […]

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      Resist the temptation, to be drawn into, confrontation, upheaval, disturbance, of any kind, be it between two people, or a group of people, or more.  You cannot know the truth, of what is happening, until you stand back, observe, from above, circle the event, or issue, and let the truth, the pieces of truth, […]

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        Review the list, which you have, either, written, in your thoughts, or on a piece of paper, that consists of your goals, or the tasks, of the day, or the week.  Review that list, carefully.  The list is a reflection: of that, which you intend to do; of that, which will require your […]

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        Young mountains rise-up, and their peaks are tall.  As they grow older, they are small.  Thousands of years, of rain, and wind, leave their mark, on that which once stood tall.  And in wisdom, and years, and humility, they grew small.  There are times, in your life, when you stand tall.  As you […]

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          How, can I teach thee, when, you will not be still?  How, will you hear Me, if, you will not be quiet?  I speak, but you turn your head, because you are too busy, to be still, and quiet.  I say unto you, make the time, to be still, and quiet.  And […]

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