Tag Archives: Whisper;

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            When I whisper to you in the stillness of the night, you will hear Me.  When I reach for you in the quiet of the night, you will feel Me.  For you see, My whisper, My reaching, are happening, within you.  So, if you stir, during the night, do not dismiss it, rolling […]

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          Even when you feel lost and alone, you are not alone, for I AM with thee.  My Holy Spirit dwells, within you.  Heaven is with thee.  So, whenever you feel lost, stop.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Be not anxious, nor afraid.  Call My name.  Whisper My name.  And in the calling, in […]

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          When the weather is cold, and rainy, or snowy, you find great comfort in your favorite sweater, a cozy blanket, well-worn slippers, a fire in the fireplace, and a hot cup of tea.  The glow from the fire caresses the room with a golden light.  There, in the shelter of your home, […]

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        Listen, and you will hear My whisper, in the breeze.  Harken, and you will hear My words, in the wind, as it moves over the Earth.  It is My creation: Earth, wind, trees, rivers, and oceans, and deserts, and mountains.  All living things, upon the Earth are My creation.  And all upon the […]

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        Do not hold anything, within you, that blocks your acknowledging My presence, within you.  For My presence, within you, is true.  So, whatever is there, blocking you, see it, and rid yourself of it, especially anything to do with an unworthiness of sitting with God.  There is nothing that you can do, you […]

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        Listen to the sound, of The Wind, and be moved by it.  Do not plant your feet, or your spirit, heart, or soul, refusing, to go, with The Wind.  As you move, you will hear; and it will move through you, that which you hear, and settle, within you, that which you hear, […]

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