Tag Archives: walking with God

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            Let My love guide you through the maze of life upon Earth.   In this way you will see the light in every day and sing of the stars in the sky of night.  There shall be no confusion when chaos, or the clatter of maddening crowds, threaten to inundate your sense of peace.  […]

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            Rest your hand in Mine.  There, we feel so much wiser now, closer than we ever were before.  And in this mingling of all that is within us, we travel through eternity once more.  Nothing can ever harm you, not the real you, resting as spirit, inside of the physical you.  Nothing can […]

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                You have made it this far, yet there is more to do, farther to go, much to see, on your journey of destiny, and it can all be done walking next to Me.  Do not release the lessons of the past, as they are of wisdom, more valuable than gold.  Yet, […]

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            If you take My hand, and walk with Me, you will never wander in chaos or confusion, as I know The Way; and, as it is clear for Me, it shall be clear for thee.  Ask the questions.  Seek the answers, within Me, for I shall not fail thee, we are one.  That […]

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            Do not fear.  Let all things be, and come walk with Me.  For, you cannot hold back what is to be; but we will meet it, and see, together, what is to be, when you come and walk with Me.  No danger shall impede thy foot.  No darkness shall overshadow thee when you […]

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            Come to Me, come to Me.  Hear My song, hear My song.  Take each gift, to your heart, which I offer thee.  You are My love, and none can replace thee, in My eyes.  You live, and you live, eternally.  Now, see yourself, coming to Me, and hearing My song, and receiving each […]

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            What an adventure today can be, especially if we walk together.  We will take the unexpected path.  We will climb the inviting hillside.  We will wade into the moving waters of a stream.  We will sit in the grass, our backs against a wise old maple, and listen to the symphony of birds, […]

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