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          What your intellect cannot fathom, your heart knows.  Do not approach the pathways of spirituality, of coming to know Me, in a deeper way, thinking that you must know Me, intellectually, because you will be stumped, meet walls, slip and fall, trying to intellectualize our relationship.  Come with your heart, because the […]

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          You do not see it, yet you know it.  You know it, from within.  From within your being, there at the core, spirit, soul, you know it all.  You know what is around each bend.  There is no need for you to see it, because, you know it.  As The Source of […]

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          Do not be so focused, on that, which you want, that you ignore, that, which is with you.  I AM with you. And The Holy Spirit says:        Sometimes, it is possible, to be so focused, on that, which you feel you want, and even need, that you totally ignore: the people, […]

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          Be still when you are worried, or greatly concerned, about something, anything.  Resist, the temptation, to go from this, person, to that, person, asking what you should do, in this situation; for, I AM telling you.  Be still.  And in the stillness, you will begin to know, because I will not leave […]

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      Resist the temptation, to be drawn into, confrontation, upheaval, disturbance, of any kind, be it between two people, or a group of people, or more.  You cannot know the truth, of what is happening, until you stand back, observe, from above, circle the event, or issue, and let the truth, the pieces of truth, […]

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        Bring me your anxiety, and I will give you confidence.  Bring Me your fear, and I will give you love.  Bring Me your doubt, and I will give you truth.  Bring me your anger, and I will give your My peace.  Bring Me your sorrow, and I will give you joy.  Bring Me […]

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          “I AM with you.  Do not be so surprised, to hear those words.  You read about it, you sing about it, in old hymns, and songs.  It has been told to you, that I walk with you, when you ask.  It has been told to you, that if you love Me, and […]

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