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          Know, that, which I teach thee, for that, which I teach thee, is truth, and wisdom.  The more you make the time, to sit with Me, to be in communion, with Me, our union grows stronger, and lives, and breathes.  It is a creation, between you, and Me, this sacred place, where […]

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          Come, and bring your heart, your heart, and all you are, today.  Release the fears, and tears, which you carry, and give them to Me, today.  Rest in My love for you, for I will banish every doubt, worry, and concern.  Come, and be free, to rise and say, with confidence, the […]

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          While we sit together, in quiet, temptations will knock at the door, trying to lure you from our peaceful communion, into worry about something, sometimes whispering you have much to do.  Ignore the knock, resist the urge to attend to a chore or task.  Remain with me, for all will be as […]

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          The very young have the greatest capacity to love, to love deeply.  Their understanding of love comes from the core of their being, from the depths of My love, not only for them, but for all My creation.  They are still swimming in the sea of My love.  They know it.  Love […]

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        Your journey does not begin, as you awaken to the spirit, which is you, My Spirit, within you.  Your journey began with the first breath, you took, upon the Earth.  And, at that time, as you took that breath, you knew Me.  You knew your mission, and what should be entailed in the […]

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          Take a minute, to remember, someone that you read about, or heard about, or know, who stepped, into a place, with an enlightened message, which exhibited, to all, who would look, and see, and hear, that God is with you; someone, whose message was so clearly, of spirit, that there was no […]

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        If you feel the stirring, if there rises-up a prompting, from within you, turn your head, from those, of the world, who say it is not possible to do, what you say you are called to do.  Rise-up, and prepare, to do the impossible, because, if it is stirring, within you, the impossible, […]

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