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            There are secrets revealed in silence, when you turn your thoughts inward and leave the world behind thee.  There I AM, in your most secret thoughts.  You see, revelation of mysteries is not always about what I AM willing to do.  You are a creator, too.  You are a creator, too, limitless in […]

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              Those seeds of retaliation or revenge, hidden deep within you, might not ever surface, bringing you to actually do what your thoughts create inside of you.  But it is there, all those thoughts are there, poisoning none, but you.  Let it go, those thoughts, those energies, held within you.  Release them, after […]

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            You are a walking tabernacle from The Kingdom of God.  Begin to see the value of that, within you.  Focus not so much on that which you see, but the unseen, within, for that is where you will find The Gifts of The Holy Spirit, which will bear fruit unto the world created […]

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.             You, and you alone, are the creator, and the sustainer, of your thoughts.  You, and you alone, are the tender, and the nurturer, of the garden of your thoughts.  And when that thought has mellowed, and ripened, within you, you bring it forth, into the dimension, wherein you reside.  It is from […]

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          Before anything was created, I knew you, as I know you, now.  And in the conception, of a thought, The Word was born.  And I spoke, bringing to life, the thought, and sparking the creation.  As I thought, I spoke, and all things came into creation, including you.  And My creation continues, […]

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        It sneaks into the shadows of your thought, and invades the chamber of your dreams, bringing darkness, waiting to ensnare your present, within the shroud of fear, doubt, chaos, and confusion.  This does not have to be.  You, and you alone, hold the key to your destiny. And The Holy Spirit says:        […]

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          This will be a good day to remember, and pray, about the power, you hold, in your thought.  For, from your thought comes what you say; and from that, which you say, come the deeds of the day.  Before you make a decision, or a pronouncement, of any kind, sit with Me, […]

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