Tag Archives: the ways of God

Home / Posts tagged "the ways of God" (Page 5)

        “I AM with you, in the wind.  I AM with you.  I AM with you, in the scent of the flower.  I AM with you.  I AM with you, as the rain kisses your cheek.  I AM with you.  I AM with you, as you smile, hearing the laughter, of a child.  I […]

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        Not until you take yourself aside, sit quietly, and be still, can you feel, My Presence, with you, in a most profound way.  You can say, I AM, with you, in a busy city, with horns blowing, and people talking, doors slamming.  You can know, I AM, with you, any time, any place.  […]

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          My Spirit, has been poured-out, upon each of you.  And, in the pouring, the gifts come forth; and the gifts are many.  The gifts hold wisdom, and knowledge, miracles of healing, many more.  There are many gifts, but the many gifts come from the one Spirit, that has been poured-out on each […]

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          “I AM with you.  Come, let us walk through this time, this day, together.  There is much to see: when you see, that which is around you, through eternal eyes; when you understand the meaning of creation, and all that is placed around you, for your joy, so that you might know […]

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        I wish for you to know, that, My ways are, within you.  At the core of your being, you know, My ways.  They seem unfamiliar to you, now, because you have looked more, to the material world, for answers.  And the material world has given you answers, and caught your attention, and pulled […]

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          Do not permit the things, you are taught, from the world, created by man, to cloud, your faith, and trust, in Me, with doubt, concern, anxiety.  For, I gather you to Me, and as we sit, together, you know, far more than you will ever know, by reading the books, written by […]

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          There will be many times when you question, and outright doubt, My ways.  When you hear, the words, Heaven is near to you, Heaven is within you, they are easy to say, they roll off the tongue, they sound good, in that way.  But, do you believe, that Heaven is, near to […]

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