Tag Archives: the ways of God

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            If you only listen to the words of the world, if you only follow the ways of the world, you become awash in a sea of turbulence.  You will become unsure of your own thoughts.  You will doubt My words and My ways.  Be still, be quiet, and hear Me, for I am […]

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            Listen to the voice of your spirit, as its words are honed, in the lap of The Holy Spirit, within you.  Your spirit, the spirit that is truly you, will speak, and the words will not be formed from the ways of the world, but from My Ways.  Often, there will be inner […]

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            When My voice rises-up within you, whispering, guiding you to go forward, do not hesitate, waiting for those around you to nod approval for that which you are led to do.  For, they cannot hear My Holy Spirit, nor can they see, but you hear, and in the hearing, you shall see that […]

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            Do not be burdened by the past, for the weight of it will slow you down, bring a weariness to your life upon Earth.  What is it that is wearing on you?  Is it a past slight, an insult or harm?  Remember, if it is that someone hurt you, through words shouted, until […]

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              I wish for you to know the enormous capability, that is with you, to be moved by My hand, by My breath, by My love, by My grace.  There is a chance that you might believe, or grow to believe, that it is you: you, doing; you, moving the mountains; you, parting […]

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        Your true strength waits, hidden from view, lying within Me.  Your strength is Me.  All I have, I give unto thee, so you too might know strength, spiritual strength, eternal strength.  Your courage rests with Me, as well.  For, as you take My hand, and walk with Me, looking, seeing eternity, your strength […]

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          Do not hesitate to make that journey within, while your eyes are closed to the ways of the world.  Do not stop with a knock at the door of the spiritual realm, which is within you.  Look deeper into that which at first appears void, sometimes total darkness.  For, the longer you […]

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