Tag Archives: the unseen

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              Take that which I have given unto you, this day, and make of it a shining light of gratitude in all you do.  For, today you have the opportunity to create, a creation of all that you bring forth from your thought.  So, do not limit your creations, today.  Let them flow, […]

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        To all of you, to each of you, but especially to those of you, who are struggling in the desert, in the present piece of eternity, I AM with you, and within you, most assuredly.  Just as you can count on the sunrise and the sunset, I AM with you.  But just as […]

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          “I AM with you.  Oh yes, those of you, listening to My words, who have walked with Me, for years, know, I AM with you.  We walk in the garden.  We jump over the stream.  We splash in the puddles and breathe-in the aroma of spring.  We do these things together because, […]

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          When the eyes behold the beauty of the unseen, there comes a release of all doubt, as that, which had not been seen before, reveals that, which is of God, that which is of My creation.  While walking in human flesh, limitations are experienced, boundaries are set in place before one even […]

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      You speak of Heaven.  And sometimes, you have other names for Heaven, such as Home.  “I look forward to going Home.”  And you mean Heaven.  Where is Heaven?  If you speak of it, if you long for it, where is it?  You have been told where it is.  Heaven is with you.  Heaven is […]

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          “I AM with you.  I reach-out My hand.  I whisper your name.  I call you to rise-up, and walk, with Me.  Let us walk in the garden, that you know as Earth, and I will whisper, and show you things, talk about the unseen things, which created that which you see.  The […]

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