Tag Archives: the unseen

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            Every breath you take has an exhalation, a taking in, and a releasing out into the world around you.  Every choice you make has an action and a result, an effect on the world around you.  Every song you choose to sing has an impact, as it flows from you into the world […]

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            As the sun is always shining in the sky above, so glows the moon.  Even when you cannot see the sun or the moon, they are present in the sky.  And so it is with the things of spirit, those things you cannot see, but from within you know they are with you.  […]

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            Look around, what do you see?  Do you see eternity?  Well, it is there, in the soil, in the rocks, in the air all around you.  Just because you cannot see it, does not mean it is not there, with you, revealing itself only to those who will be still and quiet so […]

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              It does not matter how you see a tree: something of great beauty; dwelling place for insects, and birds, chipmunks and squirrels; laden with fruits, from which to eat.  That tree, which compels your gaze, rose-up from within the Earth.  It began within the soil of Earth.  The tree draws its strength […]

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        All creation is calling out to you to look, and see, and know.  Pay attention to what is happening around you.  Watch it.  Watch the dew drops, on the grass, glow, in color, when the light of the sun touches them.  Watch the butterflies, and the bees, as they visit the flowers, and […]

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            Let your every care slip away, for I AM with you, all The Way.  And that which comes, though daunting it might seem, there is The Light, within you, and it is brilliant.  It shimmers.  It shines.  It is you.  It is Me.  We are One.  So, if you take this to your […]

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               Look around you, right where you are, now.  Look around.  What do you see?  If you cannot find one thing representing the natural world, one flower, one plant, one rock, one grain of sand, then go out and find one.  Bring it back and set it in a place of dignity, so […]

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