Tag Archives: the seed

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            There are no barriers but those you construct with your doubt.  If you dream of it, or long for it, it is within you.  But it is you who must bring your creation into absolute being.  Dreaming acknowledges the seed.  Longing acknowledges tender care.  Nothing is impossible for Me; therefore, nothing is impossible […]

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            You are the present.  Right now, you are My child.  You were created by Me, within the energy of love, a powerful love, which is the seed of who you are.  You are not just another person, living upon the Earth.  You are a brilliant piece of Me, a shining star.  All you […]

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  No matter where you are, today, if you look, you will find a little seed.  And that seed holds promise of a new life, a life blossoming, and blooming, living.  My child, within each of you there is a seed.  That seed is of Me.  That seed is your promise of a new life, […]

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          “I AM with you.  At the present time, you do not see, as I see.  Your eyes are clouded with the things of the world, your judgment marred with the ways of the world.  But, if you will listen, and hear, that which I speak unto you, you will come to see, […]

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          Look closely, at My creation, nature, all around you, and you will soon notice that very few things you see look the same on the inside, as they do on their outer surface.  The outer surface of a fig looks different than it does on the inside.  The outer surface of a […]

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