Tag Archives: The Presence of God

Home / Posts tagged "The Presence of God" (Page 2)

        In the time of want, and need, do not despair.  For, if you are still, and quiet, and open the eyes of your soul, you will see Me there.  And I will hold you, in My arms, draw you near, so you can feel, so you might hear.  And My breath will fall […]

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          Whenever there comes a time, during which you feel you are too tired to pray, or meditate, or reflect, or speak with Me, and these times will come, resist the temptation of an excuse.  Just begin by speaking My name, and then continue, because communication will take place with the first thought […]

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        Go forth, and do, good works.  Do not hesitate.  Freely give, that which you are sent to give.  For some, it might be food, or clothing.  For some, it might be money.  For some, it might be a tender word.  But it comes from you, and it is yours to give.  And the […]

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          There will come, to visit you, a temptation, to hide your sadness, and sorrow, weakness, and pain, wounds, and tears, and rise-up, every day, and wear the façade, that is not necessary, at all.  For those of you, hiding your pain, I stand at the doorway, and look in, reach-out My hand, […]

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          At your creation, you knew Me.  You were born in The Light of My Love.  And, as you were born, you saw Love, through My Light, and knew Me.  And when it came the time for you to journey to Earth, as you were born, upon the Earth, in that birthing process, […]

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          The invitation, to sit quietly with Me, goes out to you, every day, in so many different ways.  It is held in the song of the bird.  It is held in the flutter of the leaves, of the tree.  It held in the buzzing, and the movement, of the bee.  It is […]

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          When raindrops roll down your windowpane, distorting the view through the glass, now clouded with condensation, it is difficult to see, with clarity.  But soon, the light of the sun, brightens the day, and dries the raindrops, and the condensation, from the windowpane.  With the coming of the light, clarity is restored, […]

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