Tag Archives: The Living Waters

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              To experience the purity of joy it is necessary to surrender all your cares, worries, and concerns about the material to Me, trusting I will take care of thee, as an innocent young child believes the parent will provide what they need.  As you grow in the ways of the world, this, […]

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              It is not unusual for a twig, or a branch of a tree, to get caught in an eddy, no longer traveling with the current, of the river, but repeating the course of a whirlpool, close to the bank.  While trapped there, its route, now set in a circular motion, the river, […]

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            Even in times, when you desert Me, I will not leave thee, wandering in darkness, nor will I leave thee lost in confusion.  It is not possible for Me to not know you, for, I AM, within you.  You forget this because you often look outside of yourself for answers, joy, peace, when […]

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          “I AM with you.  Rise-up.  There is a new day before us, and we are walking in it, and through it, together, as one.  Rise-up, and come.                           “You have known individuals, and so have I, who have refused to move forward, denying themselves the excitement, of the adventure, of a […]

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          I AM not a stagnant pool, locked into one place, My surface still.  No, this is not Me.  See Me as a vibrant river, rushing through a verdant valley, feeding, with the living waters, all, both sides, neglecting not one, but bringing the living waters to all, all of the valley, reaching […]

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