Tag Archives: The Light

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          Pull down the cobwebs of fear.  Wipe away the dust of doubt.  Cleanup the debris of anger, and hatred, and jealousy.  Clear away all those thoughts, emotions, and energies, that are obstructing our complete communion, within you.  I AM with you, no matter what is happening in the world, around you, with […]

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        There will come many days, during the coming year, when you are given the opportunity to practice, Turn the Other Cheek.  And this will rarely, if ever, have anything to do with being struck.  It will have more to do with piercing words, which sting.  And when you reach this time, reject the […]

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          A Light has been sent, unto the world.  And it is because of this Light, that you, too, are The Light.  The Light, that has been sent, into the world, will clear the darkness and shadow, so you might know The Way.  But from within you, too, there is The Light, which […]

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          Be not afraid.  Draw nearer to Me.  Stand in My Light, so you can see.  For those, who walk in My Light, know no fear, no doubt, no worry, nor anxiety.  Whatever is, welling-up from, within you, bothering you, whatever is holding you, to the past, whatever seems to be looming, in […]

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          If you are held captive, in a prison, with no light, no access to light, you slowly become accustomed to the darkness and the shadow.  You slowly accept this way of life, as it is your reality.  And your life continues, in darkness and shadow, moving amongst those, who are with you, […]

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          When you feel The Wind around you, moving, stirring, growing stronger, allow it to lift you up, so that you might go wherever The Wind will take you.  For it is in this way that The Wind will show you what you need to know, will take you where you need to […]

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        When the light, from the rays, of a rising sun, shine through the windows, into a room, there is life, life brought to the glass, and the mirrors, and all the objects in the room, as they are touched, by the light.  If there is a time to see, the majesty of a […]

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