Tag Archives: The Knowing

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          My hand, is always there, with you.  My arms, are always there, with you.  My shoulders, are always there, with you.  All, that I AM, is with you.  There is no love stronger, sweeter, more fulfilling, or more sustaining than My love for you.  Trust, that this is so, because as you […]

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          There are so many mysteries you do not understand.  And as I have told you before, the mysteries can be solved, when you take My, and hear My words.  For, I will lead you, from doubt, and confusion, and chaos, into the knowing of how it all really works.  Today, you can […]

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        When it is your desire, that your gift, of free will, be enfolded within My will, then you feel the energy of The Will of Eternity.  It is not limited to your present situation, but it holds eternal truth, within it.  The Will is living, and powerful, yet free, because you have joined […]

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          At the core, of every mystery, is the truth.  It takes courage, and faith, to step into the mystery, and slowly unravel, each layer, until, at last, the cloak falls, revealing the truth.  And, standing, in the light, of the truth, you are standing, in the knowing.  For, if you had not […]

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          You will recognize The Voice, when you hear the call.  And, upon this day of recognition, there will be no doubt.  Then, with no doubt, walk toward The Voice, toward the call, and soon you will see, and know it all, even that which had once evaded your vision, evaded your ears.  […]

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          It will bubble-up, from deep within you, and begin flowing, like water, from a natural spring.  It will be The Knowing, that is growing, within you, riding upon The Whisper, and the words I say.  And the words will lead you farther, than you ever thought to go.  And in the rising-up, […]

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