Tag Archives: The Holy Spirit

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        There will be times, in your life, when you are seeking answers.  And I AM not speaking of seeking: a missing ingredient; information about a map, leading to a destination, for a vacation; or, where your missing shoe might be.  I AM speaking of times when you are seeking answers, which hold wisdom, […]

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          What I wish for you to know, today, is the significance, the importance, of the role you are to play, in connecting all the threads along The Way, in this tapestry, this living tapestry, that is called creation.  Do not look to the right, or to the left, of you, seeing what […]

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          You might not know that there is a swarm of minute insects, in your path, until the light of the sun, catches it, falls upon it, in just the right way, and you see, and you know.  You might not be aware that there are minute insects, forming a colony, behind a […]

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          To each of you comes the gift of inspiration.  Some of you are inspired, constantly.  Inspiration flows, like a river, to thee.  Some of you are inspired, occasionally, and it waits, for you to look, and see, what is in the well of inspiration.  It does not matter how often it comes […]

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          When you are approaching an intersection, and there is a traffic signal, you do not know each driver, walker, or rider, will pay attention to the sign they are given.  Often, you look both ways, before you move into the intersection, even when the light is green.  You use discernment.  Even when […]

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          It is time to let go of fear.  Each one of you can be clutched by fear; and when this happens, you are held in place, until you take the opportunity to find that fear, and sit with it, until you recognize it as absolutely powerless over you, unless you permit it […]

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