Tag Archives: The Holy Spirit

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    Breathe-in the beauty, all around you. Do not take it for granted. Look, and see, and know, what is set before you, no matter where you are. Seek beyond the confines of your room, or your home, or your school, or your office, wherever you. Go beyond. Walk barefoot in the grass. Touch […]

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        “I AM with you.  Knowing I AM with you is a gift.  Believing it, and walking into the world, holding the preciousness of the sacred gift, is the promise of peace through chaos and confusion, turbulence and strife.  Come with Me, today, and we will see life, upon Earth, in a different way.  […]

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        Out of the most trying challenges, one can face, the one, who knows The Way, within, whose inner corridors are well-worn, will emerge victorious.  For, as they walk, through even the darkest of days, they will sit with Me, and learn the wisdom at My knee.  And the wisdom will carry, each one […]

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        There is no pain I cannot soothe, and wipe away.  There is no hate I cannot wash, and cleanse into love.  There is no hunger I cannot sate.  There is no thirst I cannot abate.  Come, just as you are, weeping, or angry, hungry, or thirsty.  Come, and sit, and we will talk, […]

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          The journey of your lifetime, upon Earth, sometimes, has been challenging, difficult.  This time might be challenging, difficult.  It might also be a time of great joy, and release, for you.  But no matter what your journey is bringing to you, now, I call to you, from within.  And I say, come, […]

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          Do not hesitate to make that journey within, while your eyes are closed to the ways of the world.  Do not stop with a knock at the door of the spiritual realm, which is within you.  Look deeper into that which at first appears void, sometimes total darkness.  For, the longer you […]

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        Infallible is the sacred word, borne upon the breath, from The Holy Spirit, within you.  It is the answer, you seek, in quiet and stillness, revealed in The Light of Truth.  And, as you ask, you shall receive the gift of truth, created solely for you, to illuminate any situation you encounter.  That […]

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