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         When the angels speak will they find a welcome ear within you?  I send My holy emissaries forth every hour of every day to bring peace and show The Way, yet they are turned away.  Be watchful for their presence, as they surely come.  And they come to each of you.  They come at […]

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              Bear the silence just one moment longer.  Remain in stillness and cultivate calm, breathing deeply, slowly.  There are so many sacred anchors ready to hold you, as you slip into sweet surrender.  You will not float away.  You will fly, with My angels, in quiet rectitude with My Holy Spirit.  When the […]

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            There is mystery in quiet.  There is majesty in stillness.  And, in each one, quiet and stillness, is held the wisdom of the moment, which is not shared with others, but held as sacred, within. And The Holy Spirit says:            When you are still and quiet you become aware of My presence […]

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            Be still.  Be quiet.  In the stillness and in the quiet you will hear Me, and I will guide thee to where you are to go, to where you are meant to go, to where it is your desire to go.  There will be no outside influence on how this will happen.  It […]

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            I AM always there.  In stillness you will hear.  I will free you from all that is harsh, and hard.  We can do all things.  Together we will take to wing.  We will lift-up from the dust of unwanted things, which have held you in place.  Rise-up.  My child, you can rise-up.  No […]

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            Clinging, grasping, holding-on to all around you, may seem as if you are falling, slipping away, losing that which is familiar, and a part of your life.  When you are falling, you reach for something strong, to right the fall, to steady you, until you are back on your feet. You are looking […]

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              Comes a new day, and if you listen, you will hear it speak to you through the birds, the bees, the flowers, and trees.  You will hear what it does say, if you are quiet, and still.  And the repeated whispers, carried on the wind, will be, “Here I am, I have […]

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