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              The eternal you lives within the robe of flesh you have chosen to serve you, during your journey upon Earth.  When your material body is physically drained, stressed, or in disease, your spiritual body is fully well.  When your material body is distracted by the things of the world around you, your […]

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            As the days pass, and you become immersed in the tasks, and the joys, of each day, remember to set some time away from the material to sit with Me, so a balance is struck and you are at peace, with all that is.  And The Holy Spirit says:            Glorious days and […]

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               It is never easy to experience, for an extended period of time, illness, or injury.  But know this.  It is not Me, casting you in such a role as punishment for anything.  When your spirit chooses a body of flesh, and to dwell upon Earth, for a while, you are subject to […]

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            There is more to prayer than reciting a litany of need and want.  And that “more” is silence, listening, hearing what I wish to say to thee.  Recall a day, or night, when you were either sitting, or walking, with one you love dearly.  There will always come a time when neither […]

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        “I AM with you.  Perhaps, you feel My presence.  Perhaps, you hear My whisper.  Perhaps, you know I AM with you, now and forever.  I come to encourage you, on your earthly travel, today.  So, let us not look beyond today.  Let us not look to the past.  Let us walk, into the […]

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          When you live from, and for, the material that, which you can possess, as your own, is limited.  But when you live from, and for, the spiritual, that, which you possess, is eternal life, within My love.  It is boundless, endless, forever.  Live from the spiritual, so that you do not have […]

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          Know that I AM always with you.  Sometimes, My Presence is subtle, like background music.  Sometimes, My Presence moves into your being, with intensity, and you sway, embraced by the rhythm, of your Creator.  As you close your eyes, to the ways of the world, around you, you make the choice of […]

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