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            In order to understand the simple complexity of an apple orchard, one must sit with a single apple, hold the apple, and begin to go into the apple.  Once you see the apple, as a unique, creation, you begin to appreciate that it was once a bud, a promise, and then a beautiful […]

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        When you come to the end of a journey, first you seek to rest, eat, drink, and restore your energy, which has waned during your travels.  Then, after rest is accomplished, after food and drink has been taken, after energy is restored, and you feel the rush of renewal, you are ready to […]

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          Your every breath is telling you, you live, upon Earth.  Every exhalation is your affirmation of life.  I breathe into you the breath of eternal life, and every breath of life is telling you, you live, forever.  Every prayer, silently spoken, seeking connection with Me, and all that is holy, is your […]

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        Can you imagine what you will say, when you stand with Me, once you return fully to spirit?  Whatever you are imagining, say it, now.  Forego the idea that you are not with Me, in the present piece of eternity, in which you reside.  The only difference is you are wearing a cloak […]

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        Be still.  Physically, and mentally, be still.  Push back the veil.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Let your breath be deep, and slow.  Push back the veil.  Go within, traversing the corridors of your inner being, to find the chamber.  Once there, push back the veil.  You see, I AM always with you, within […]

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          Awaken.  Awaken to that which is moving, within, to that which has been stirring, for a long time.  For, when you awaken, to that, which is, within, you move, from the material, into the spiritual, and all that, that realm holds.  Awaken to the reality of eternal life.  The heart, which beats, […]

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          “I AM with you.  No matter where you go, where your travels, your journeys, take you, I AM with you.  And there too, you will find, you are never alone.  So, go, without hesitation, wherever you are called, and let your Earth journey unfold, as it is meant to, and be at […]

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