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  Make haste to forgive.  Move as a snail to anger.  Make peace within yourself, at the core of your being to rest.  Welcome truth.  Reject lies and falsehoods.  See the present as that which is.  In this way you shall be the light in the darkness. And The Holy Spirit says:           It can […]

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            Closing your eyes and ears to disbelieving chants and slogans of fear and apprehension is the first step onto a new path, a journey into uncharted seas, and deserts, mountain peaks, and valleys.  The faint of heart will not know the illumination along The Way and will miss the revelation which is conveyed […]

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            There is a quiet place where you can go to find Me, waiting, just for you.  It is a place where no one else can find you.  It is in this sacred space that we talk, and laugh, and learn of things you have yet to know.  I will expose all you are […]

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                It is time to take notice of all the many things which remain unobserved, until a shaft of light illuminates that, which was not seen before the coming of The Light.   And The Holy Spirit says:            Walking over a bridge can sometimes become a surprising adventure when you find you […]

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              It is possible for great good to come from tragedy.  Even when it appears that you have taken the wrong road, it is possible to find yourself on an extraordinary journey, finding your way through that which seemed to be impossible to navigate.  Out of darkness, you shall come, walking in The […]

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              Listen to My whispers, stirring the trees and air around you.  Listen to My whispers, stirring within you the desire to draw nearer to Me, so I might reveal that which you are ready to see, and hear, and know.  Know this, there is not one mystery resolved by accident.  All things […]

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            It matters not what you have thought, said, or done, come to Me.  It matters not what you are wearing, where you are living, or your state of earthly wealth, lack, or health, come to Me.  Do not allow anything, or anyone, to keep you from Me.  Be still, for in the stillness […]

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