Tag Archives: release

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                You have made it this far, yet there is more to do, farther to go, much to see, on your journey of destiny, and it can all be done walking next to Me.  Do not release the lessons of the past, as they are of wisdom, more valuable than gold.  Yet, […]

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            Resistance to change will only tire you, perhaps bring you into the energies of anger, retaliation, or dejection, thinking you are not up to the task.  I AM speaking to you, and My love is flowing to you unabated, as always.  None of you can escape the flow of My love unless you […]

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          Walk into My arms, and I will whisper your pain away.  Fear and anxiety will melt away, as we move into an eternal embrace, and within the dance of no time, you will remember My words, My face.  In the sweet communion, it all comes rushing back to you.  The flow, of […]

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          Do not deny The Voice, calling to you, from within.  Do not fear to follow.  When you begin the journey, within, into all that is, there will come a time of surrender.  You will feel your physical body resist, the inclination to elevation.  Breathe deeply, and continue, for you are at the […]

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          My love for you is constant.  I AM ever with you, for we are one.  And there will be times, when I release, and My children pour onto the Earth, to have that experience from an Earth birth, to a time, I call you Home, and open My arms, and draw you […]

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          When you eat, a carrot, the nutrients, all, that is in the carrot, moves through your body.  The carrot is digested, and held, within your body, until it is time to release.  When you drink, refreshing, clean water, it moves, throughout your body.  And your body takes in, that which was held, […]

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        “I AM with you.  Yes, it is true.  I AM with you.  It is not trickery.  It is not magic.  It is mystical, and divine, that I AM with you.  You walk, upon the Earth, right now.  Yet, you are not alone.  There are many sent to guide you, as you make your […]

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