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              Do not permit the murmurings of others to stir you to discontent.  Be content in who you are.  I AM not asking you to look into a mirror to evaluate your physical appearance.  I AM asking you to peer into your soul, in such a way, that you meet your spiritual presence, […]

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        All creation is calling out to you to look, and see, and know.  Pay attention to what is happening around you.  Watch it.  Watch the dew drops, on the grass, glow, in color, when the light of the sun touches them.  Watch the butterflies, and the bees, as they visit the flowers, and […]

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          The sunrise can be breathtaking, especially when you see the sun over a mountain, a sun rising, over a body of water.  It is the signal of a new day.  And it is a time, many set, to rise-up, and see.  And in the seeing, of the rising, of the sun, the […]

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        Review the list, which you have, either, written, in your thoughts, or on a piece of paper, that consists of your goals, or the tasks, of the day, or the week.  Review that list, carefully.  The list is a reflection: of that, which you intend to do; of that, which will require your […]

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          There are many ways to say, “I love you,” and each of you, has your own, unique, way, of doing so.  Even when using the same words, “I love you,” there is a reflection, in your voice, that comes from the inner you.  Your words reflect, what you feel, within.  Yet, it […]

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          You cannot measure the height, and the width, and the depth, of Heaven, as all things of Heaven are immeasurable, are boundless, are limitless, yet they enfold you, and all of Earth.  You cannot measure them, this height, and width and depth, but you can experience it, even while you are upon […]

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        When the light, from the rays, of a rising sun, shine through the windows, into a room, there is life, life brought to the glass, and the mirrors, and all the objects in the room, as they are touched, by the light.  If there is a time to see, the majesty of a […]

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