Tag Archives: procrastination

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              Sometimes, it falls to you to do, rather than lamenting all you did not do.  Slowly slipping into the state of procrastination, you see things swirling around you, as if there is nothing you can do to stop the slipping, stop the swirling.  But there is.  Being a spiritual being does not […]

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          Do not lament the past.  Do not fear what the future will bring.  Live in the present, and dance, and sing, and be joyful.  It is not necessary for you to labor under the burden of shame, or guilt, or anger, or frustration, about things of the past.  Forgive, all things, and […]

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          When My will, for your highest good, contradicts your will, be still, and sit quietly, and I will whisper to you, and give you the strength to do that, which is important, for you to do.  If I ask you, to go to another person, to say, “I am sorry.  Please forgive […]

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          Free yourself from worry, and concern, by addressing that, which is calling-out, for your attention.  If there is something, that needs addressing, now, do it, now.  Do not push it in a corner.  Do not say you will do it tomorrow.  If it is calling, answer with your attention.  And then, there […]

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          “I AM with you.  If the sun is shining, upon your face, I AM with you.  If the rain is falling, upon your face, I AM with you.  If there is a smile, upon your face, I AM with you.  And if tears roll down your face, I AM with you.  No […]

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