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              When you feel sadness moving near, silently drawing your attention, be still and call it by name.  This is not a part of some parlor game, it is acknowledging, and stepping, with purpose, into, reality and what is happening, in the present.  Experience what comes to you and let it flow from […]

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        It sneaks into the shadows of your thought, and invades the chamber of your dreams, bringing darkness, waiting to ensnare your present, within the shroud of fear, doubt, chaos, and confusion.  This does not have to be.  You, and you alone, hold the key to your destiny. And The Holy Spirit says:        […]

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        And there came, into the present, pieces, and parts, of the past, percolating, to become answers, for the future.  And The Holy Spirit says:        Everyday experiences can become lessons for tomorrow, by removing the negative, releasing pearls of wisdom, to be cherished, and held, within.    

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        Do not let the past darken the threshold of this day, nor fears of the future, cause delay of the celebration of this day.  Be still and know there is much to do, and all of it springs forth from My love for you.  Let love rise-up, from within you, and spill-out over […]

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          All, which I created, is still moving, still flowing.  That energy, that creation, will never die.  The present piece, of the eternal, is with you, now.  You are living it.  You are living in it.  You are it.  Slow your pace, today, and look around.  Notice, what is happening, because it is […]

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          For there to be growth, there must be change.  Do not hold on to the present time with you, to the season in which you are living.  Experience the present, and then, let it go, because there is always another present, another present.  The present is always with you, and living in […]

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