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            What do you plan to do today?  Perhaps your plans even include tomorrow, and the day after.  What have you written on your list, those things you are to do?  Your list might be a mental list, but it could be a written list.  If it is written, check and see what you […]

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       Oh yes, I hear your prayers, some coming on the wings of night, holding tears.  Some of your prayers meet Me, carried on the rays of the sun, holding laughter.  Some of your prayers find Me, there with you, in celebration of the life I have given unto you.  And, it is in […]

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          Come, and bring your heart, your heart, and all you are, today.  Release the fears, and tears, which you carry, and give them to Me, today.  Rest in My love for you, for I will banish every doubt, worry, and concern.  Come, and be free, to rise and say, with confidence, the […]

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          When you sit, in quiet stillness, and close your eyes, to the world, in prayer, I AM there, you are there, we are together, as one.  And in this state of silence, with your eyes closed, to the world, you are looking into My eyes, and I AM looking into your eyes, […]

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      As you go about your day, filled with lists, chores, and whatever else might be attracting your attention, remember to bless all you do.  Infuse your day of work, or play, with a song, which comes from your soul, and your day will be as sheet music.  Each creation, which comes from you, will […]

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              Do not close-down, the answer to your prayer, by speaking your petition, then rising-up, as if I AM not there.  I know your need.  Oh, it is good, if you wish to pray, to give voice to your need; but, do not forget, that the most important piece of prayer, […]

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          A mystery is something you cannot see, you cannot know.  It is a puzzle, which must be solved.  And once solved, you know the answer to the mystery.  And once solved, knowing the answer, you wonder why it ever was a mystery, at all.  My son, My daughter, it is the same.  […]

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