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          “I AM with you.  Another day, one more day, you have, to walk, upon the Earth.  Pay attention, today, to what comes your way, and embrace it.  Revel, in it, or learn, from it.  Whatever, comes to you, is yours.  Accept it.  Do not waste the day.  Be mindful, today.  Do not […]

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        I wish for you to know, The Way, is set, before you.  You do not have to stumble around.  I tell you, your path, is already set, before you; and, it is a moveable path, which will flow, in whatever direction, it needs to go, to gather you in, and allow you to […]

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          I understand the difficulty, in taking to heart, and moving into action, when you hear, the words, saying, that the things, of the world, are an illusion, passing, transient, temporary, and the unseen is eternal.  Your reluctance to walk, fully, and completely, into this concept, is based: in the teachings, of the […]

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          This will be a good day to remember, and pray, about the power, you hold, in your thought.  For, from your thought comes what you say; and from that, which you say, come the deeds of the day.  Before you make a decision, or a pronouncement, of any kind, sit with Me, […]

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        My creation continues.  It does not end.  It moves out, growing in speed, and power, not slowing down, nor diminishing, but growing stronger, by the hour, that you might keep, and to know.  The measure, of My love for you, also has no limit, no boundary.  It is not confined, nor restricted.  And, […]

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When you stand upon the Earth and you look up into the sky, you can see birds flying. If you look a little higher, you will see birds of prey soaring. Their wings are out, but they are not flapping. These birds are riding a current of wind. When these birds ride a current of […]

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          Each, of you, has either seen, or heard about, or read about, a feat of impossible strength, such as a parent, lifting a vehicle, enough, to retrieve a child, who is penned beneath that vehicle.  This is what I wish for you to consider.  There was not something, within their body, that […]

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