Tag Archives: plenty

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          Do not deny yourself, when there is plenty.  Use, the times of plenty, to practice, balance.  Do nothing to excess.  Balance.  If you have three apples, eat one, and share the others, with those around thee.  In the time of plenty, when you practice, balance, you learn to give, you learn to […]

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        There is plenty, on the hillside, which sits, at the edge, of the river, flowing, sweetly, filled with water, from the skies.  There is plenty, in the meadow, with the flowers, and the birds.  There is plenty, when you look, when you observe.  That, which I have created, is plentiful, and will sustain […]

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          When there is plenty, there is laughter, and song, and dance, all the day long, and into the night.  When there is lack, there is crying, and worry, frustration, and fear, all the day, and into the night.  But if you pay attention, what you consider to be plenty, or lack, has […]

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        “I AM with you.  I AM with you today, tomorrow, forever, just as I have been with you, in the past.  This is a new day.  And there are experiences, set before you.  And the way you meet these experiences, and become one with the experience, will determine what you know, what you […]

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        When you create love, that love, you create, lives, and it never dies.  When you create joy, joy lives.  It never dies.  When you create doubt, or fear, or worry, these too, never die.  And that makes it possible to be in the midst of plenty, but still have doubt, and worry, and […]

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