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          While we sit together, in quiet, temptations will knock at the door, trying to lure you from our peaceful communion, into worry about something, sometimes whispering you have much to do.  Ignore the knock, resist the urge to attend to a chore or task.  Remain with me, for all will be as […]

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          After a long day’s walk, through the world created by mankind, lift-up your face, and receive the shower of grace, as it moves, over you, around you, and through you, and removes all debris gathered, during the work of the day, preparing you for a night of rest, and rejuvenation.  As a […]

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          Do not hesitate to make that journey within, while your eyes are closed to the ways of the world.  Do not stop with a knock at the door of the spiritual realm, which is within you.  Look deeper into that which at first appears void, sometimes total darkness.  For, the longer you […]

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          “I AM with you.  In all ways, I AM with you.  Within the knowing of this mystery, we come together, as One.  And, in the One, we walk, and talk, laugh, and dance, living within Heaven, and Earth, together as One.  It is all One.                “Listen, so you might hear, […]

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        Take My hand, and let us sit, in sacred silence, let us sit.  Together, we will listen, to the songs of angels, and feel their presence, with us, as they are one, with us.  My holy angels are sent forth to bring you peace.  They will come to you in visions, and visitations.  […]

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        There are many ways of living, upon the Earth, which will bring you joy, and peace.  And each one of these ways begins, within you.  Be still.  Go, within.  Find balance, within.  Sit long enough to feel the power, within you.  And then, rise-up, and use the power, I have given unto you, […]

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          Whenever there comes a time, during which you feel you are too tired to pray, or meditate, or reflect, or speak with Me, and these times will come, resist the temptation of an excuse.  Just begin by speaking My name, and then continue, because communication will take place with the first thought […]

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