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              Do not allow the desire to retaliate consume you, drying up the river of love within you, until you are course and brittle.  For My child, this is not The Way.  If you will come and sit with Me, we will look and see the truth in the matter, which is boiling […]

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            Do not permit the doorway to a joyful tomorrow to be blocked by energies of anger, or desire for retaliation, In the present piece of eternity wherein you stand, let your intention be to rid yourself of anger, and desire for retaliation, through the gift of forgiveness.  You can take every situation and […]

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               When all else fails to bring you peace, sit by a gently flowing river, and breathe.  Allow your thoughts, your wounds, your pain, to slip into the river, and ride the current, until there is peace, once again.  It is within the river of life you are held, suspended, as your body […]

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            Be mindful of that which you say.  Thoughtfully select each word, as if was a treasure of great value.  For, your words fall upon the ears of others, are absorbed by others, touch the heart of others.  Your words have the ability to bless, or to curse.  Do not spew them from your […]

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            The setting sun is a peaceful event.  It is peaceful because you know the sun will rise again.  The rising and the setting of the sun is something you know from experience.  Depending on your age, you might have seen it occur thousands of times.  The sun will rise.  The sun will set.  […]

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              The ravages and wounds of hatred and retaliation are deep, marking the carrier with the seeds, waiting to sprout, growing in the garden within.  This is not a garden of goodness.  It is a garden of despair, and the promise of fruit to come is of bitterness, growing there.   When tempted to […]

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          Carry shame no longer.  Banish it from you.  The energy of shame interrupts the flow of grace and peace.  Come.  Sit with Me, and know, within our communion, that neither I nor My angels would shame you.  We love you.  Reach out your hand and take mine, as I AM reaching for you to […]

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