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              You know Me from your spirit and your heart.  You find Me in peace, comfort, contentment, no more is there longing for anything other than to know Me, more.  So, when chaos, hurt, confusion, and other unsettling energies knock upon your door, remember you know Me, and I will always give you […]

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  Make haste to forgive.  Move as a snail to anger.  Make peace within yourself, at the core of your being to rest.  Welcome truth.  Reject lies and falsehoods.  See the present as that which is.  In this way you shall be the light in the darkness. And The Holy Spirit says:           It can […]

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              It only takes the rays of a warm embrace and gentle smile to calm a child’s labor of tears.  Once they are at rest, close to the bosom of love, they find peace and calm is restored.  Behind every stormy cloud there is the sun, even when you cannot see it.  Even […]

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            There is a quiet place where you can go to find Me, waiting, just for you.  It is a place where no one else can find you.  It is in this sacred space that we talk, and laugh, and learn of things you have yet to know.  I will expose all you are […]

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            Peace will rise from the ashes of chaos as the Phoenix.  Calm will be the sustaining power over turmoil.  Quiet will stifle the roar of fear and doubt.  These things will happen when we are in harmony, as you come to know I AM with you, always.  We are One.  When you know […]

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              A sea of tranquility will lap at the shore of your soul, if you will permit the touch of peace, in an otherwise frantic atmosphere.  So, whenever you are tempted to frustration, by someone or something, be quick to seek the arms of stillness and there in abide for a while with […]

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            Allow tranquility to fill you with peace whenever it comes to you.  And then remember what to do to keep it so.  Remember how peacefulness lifted you on gossamer wings beyond the mundane, as if you were floating above all material things into a realm of beauty of the soul, pure, perfect, compelling.  […]

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