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              Take shelter within My love, just as you would seek cover from a storm.  No matter how the storm might rage around you, I AM with you.  If it has come to you, it is yours to do.  But you do not have to do it alone.  I AM with you.  The […]

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          “I AM with you.  I AM not running after you.  I AM not sitting at some other place, waiting for you.  I AM with you.  Experience this, because then, if you open to it, and experience My presence, with you, you will be experiencing the one, I so often spoke of: one, […]

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              I wish for you to know the enormous capability, that is with you, to be moved by My hand, by My breath, by My love, by My grace.  There is a chance that you might believe, or grow to believe, that it is you: you, doing; you, moving the mountains; you, parting […]

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Upon the gentle vibration of My whisper, I come.  Out of the unseen, I come, calling your name, as it is only you to whom I come.  To each of you, only, I come.  For when you answer, and we meet, within the vibration, of my call, My love for you, it is then, you […]

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          “I AM with you.  It is time.  It is time to rise-up, and walk, into a new day, a new day that is fresh, and clean, and clear, a day in which clarity leads The Way.  I AM with you.                                      “There is much misunderstanding about the teaching of oneness. […]

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        Those of you, running over the Earth, singing, and laughing, in the light of the sun, rejoice, for I rejoice, with you.  Whenever you find, the sheer delight, of living upon the Earth, cannot be restrained, or hushed, in any way, sing, dance, for I will sing, and dance, with you.  When the […]

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        Listen, be still, be quiet.  Just be.  Close your eyes, and just be, for just as you are, I love thee.  And it is together we shall walk the Earth, until your journey, there, is done, and it is time to move on, into the rest of eternity, you, and Me.  When you […]

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