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        Not until you take yourself aside, sit quietly, and be still, can you feel, My Presence, with you, in a most profound way.  You can say, I AM, with you, in a busy city, with horns blowing, and people talking, doors slamming.  You can know, I AM, with you, any time, any place.  […]

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        All, that springs forth, from Earth, sings, of the glory, of creation.  The song might not be heard, by the ears, of humankind, but still they sing, all the time.  Their existence is the song; the movement, of the water, in the rivers, and the oceans, and the seas, and the streams, it […]

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        “I AM with you.  In celebration, of this new day, I AM with you.  I have come to say, there is so much more, than what you see, than what you know, or think you know.  And when I come, and we walk, and we talk, more is given to you, than you […]

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