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        And there came, into the present, pieces, and parts, of the past, percolating, to become answers, for the future.  And The Holy Spirit says:        Everyday experiences can become lessons for tomorrow, by removing the negative, releasing pearls of wisdom, to be cherished, and held, within.    

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          This will be a good day to remember, and pray, about the power, you hold, in your thought.  For, from your thought comes what you say; and from that, which you say, come the deeds of the day.  Before you make a decision, or a pronouncement, of any kind, sit with Me, […]

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          There is much that you can learn, and see, from an icicle, hanging from a roof.  Icicle has come forth, from the snow, which once feel softly, from the clouds, down upon Earth, coming to rest, and then stack-up, on a rooftop.  The snow, the beautiful snowflakes, came forth from the water, […]

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