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                   When the waves kiss the shore, when the birds, amongst clouds, do soar, you can see, for a brief time, mysteries unfold.  For that which appears to be a mystery, now, will alter, and change, and reveal, for a time, the truth that is there, always waiting to be found.  And […]

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          What your intellect cannot fathom, your heart knows.  Do not approach the pathways of spirituality, of coming to know Me, in a deeper way, thinking that you must know Me, intellectually, because you will be stumped, meet walls, slip and fall, trying to intellectualize our relationship.  Come with your heart, because the […]

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          There are places, upon the Earth, where you can stand, and speak-out, over a valley, far below, and the sound of your voice echoes, from one side of the mountain, to the other, and back, again.  Everything is set in place, arranged perfectly, naturally, so that your voice can be carried, and […]

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      When you were born, onto the Earth, you were as a pebble, dropped in a vast, smooth, pristine lake.  And, as the pebble, did to the lake, you had an impact, on all those, around you.  As with the pebble, there was as ripple effect, forming a circle, all around you.  The impact, at […]

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          There are so many mysteries you do not understand.  And as I have told you before, the mysteries can be solved, when you take My, and hear My words.  For, I will lead you, from doubt, and confusion, and chaos, into the knowing of how it all really works.  Today, you can […]

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        It is difficult for you to understand, eternal live, because you live more, in your physical body; and you look around you, and you see, most things, have a beginning, and an end, a time to live on Earth, and a time to pass from the ways of Earth.  You see these things, […]

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