Tag Archives: Mother Earth

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          Before the sun completes its resurrection for the day, you rise, in silence, before the light of dawn and pause to hear.  With the desire to hear the wisdom of Mother Earth, you hear.  The sweetness of the message brings a solitary tear, flowing down your cheek, in recognition of truth, as it is.  […]

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            There is much to see, when you look outside your home, when you sit, within nature.  In the season of fall, jewel-colored leaves cascade from tree to ground, releasing to a freedom only known by those willing to float on The Breath of The Wind.  In the season of winter, snow settles on […]

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            Hear Me in the wind, for it moves by My hand.  Be comforted by Me in the warmth of the sun, for it was set in the Heaven by My thought.  Be nurtured by Me in the foods of the Earth, for she lives and sustains you, as was My desire.  Breathe in […]

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          Be quiet, as you pray.  Be still.  Create a love, within you, so deep, so full, so real, and allow it to co-mingle, with My love, flowing into you.  And, in this state, with your love, and My love, creating a new energy, feel, beneath your feet, the pulse, of life, in […]

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          “I AM with you.  In all ways, I AM with you.  Within the knowing of this mystery, we come together, as One.  And, in the One, we walk, and talk, laugh, and dance, living within Heaven, and Earth, together as One.  It is all One.                “Listen, so you might hear, […]

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          All around you is the glory of creation.  Look, and see, and feel, and know it.  It is living.  It is energy.  It is creation continuing, all around you.  And you, too, are the continuing creation.  Find a grassy place, a meadow, perhaps.  Lay down, on Mother Earth, and feel the grass […]

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          In the valleys you will find refreshing water in rivers and streams.  You will find meadows, with flowers, trees, which are often the home for the birds, and the bees, and the other insects, which make it so.  You will find animals.  You will find vegetation.  You will find peace in walking […]

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