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            Be mindful of that which you say.  Thoughtfully select each word, as if was a treasure of great value.  For, your words fall upon the ears of others, are absorbed by others, touch the heart of others.  Your words have the ability to bless, or to curse.  Do not spew them from your […]

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          Do not, intentionally, set a course, designed to create enemies, for there shall be times, when you are prey, to such, unwittingly.  Be mindful, of the words you say, so come the end of the day, there will be naught to rue. And The Holy Spirit says:        Be mindful.  It all […]

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          Creation continues, and it starts in your thoughts.  And as you think, and wish, and pray, your thoughts grow, in intensity.  That, which you create, in your thought, comes to life, when you speak it.  So, be mindful, of your thoughts, for, within your thought there is the seed.  And when you […]

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