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        You will walk, many miles, during your lifetime, upon Earth.  You will see, many things, and meet, many people.  But there is one thing, I wish for you to consider, and it would be good to begin, today.  No matter how young you might be, in years, it is never too early to […]

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        On the other side of the river, there is a land, which is of peace, and tranquility.  There is no dissension in that land.  It is a land where people pray, and laugh, and join hands, together, as one.  It is a land where the rocks speak, and the trees dance.  It is […]

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          You have been told that I AM spirit, I AM love.  You eagerly embrace this, and wish to draw nearer to Me, even closer than you are today.  But the way you think of Me has something to do with drawing nearer, drawing closer.  Give up the idea that I AM in […]

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        When you create love, that love, you create, lives, and it never dies.  When you create joy, joy lives.  It never dies.  When you create doubt, or fear, or worry, these too, never die.  And that makes it possible to be in the midst of plenty, but still have doubt, and worry, and […]

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          Let the ways of kindness, compassion, and love, mark you, stamp your life, be what you show to others, through your deeds.  Permit Me to love you, fully, and completely, by removing all the obstacles you have built in the way.  Let My kindness, compassion, and love, for you, fill you.  And, […]

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          You will see it.  When your eyes are closed, to the world of man, and you are seeking communion with Me, longing to take My hand, you will see the ball of light, moving toward you, coming out of the night, brilliant, and bright.  And soon, there is no doubt that, this […]

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          If you dig, into the soil of Earth, farther, deeper, into inner Earth, you will soon realize, by observing, that all that goes on, beneath the soil of Earth, deep within inner Earth, supports the growth, and the life, of that which is above the soil, springs forth from the soil, on […]

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