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        Let your heart be open to My Light, and My Love, for you, solely for you, solely for all My creation, unique in its wholeness to love all creation, solely, as one.  Sit within this sacred sweetness, with Me loving you not only into being, but into peace, as you rest at My […]

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          While we sit together, in quiet, temptations will knock at the door, trying to lure you from our peaceful communion, into worry about something, sometimes whispering you have much to do.  Ignore the knock, resist the urge to attend to a chore or task.  Remain with me, for all will be as […]

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          After a long day’s walk, through the world created by mankind, lift-up your face, and receive the shower of grace, as it moves, over you, around you, and through you, and removes all debris gathered, during the work of the day, preparing you for a night of rest, and rejuvenation.  As a […]

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          The great expanse is, within you, it is the vastness that is, within you.  I AM calling you to close your eyes, to the ways of the world, and step into My love, which is, within you.  Come unto Me, and I will open the eyes of your soul, as we sit […]

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        In the beginning, when there was the creation of Heaven and Earth, and My Spirit was hovering, over the waters, creation was already continuing, pulsing, moving, gaining speed, transforming, and there was also a transition happening, even then.  Energy, once created, has no end.  And, so, as you look, and you see, now, […]

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          Take a minute, to remember, someone that you read about, or heard about, or know, who stepped, into a place, with an enlightened message, which exhibited, to all, who would look, and see, and hear, that God is with you; someone, whose message was so clearly, of spirit, that there was no […]

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          Lo!  I see you, walking out of the valley of darkness, the place of night, where shadows tempt you.  But there you are, coming out.  And even as you walk, over the Earth, you cast no shadow, because The Light is, within you.  It is above you.  It is around you.  But […]

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